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Cass Ingram

The Power of Red Raspberry Tannins – Soothing and Healing Agents

The Power of Red Raspberry Tannins – Soothing and Healing Agents

There can be no doubt about it wild raspberry is one of the most versatile, potent natural medicines of God’s high creation known. The entire plant is edible and therapeutic: leaves, flowers, berries, stems, and roots.
Animals give evidence of this. Bear devour entire fields of the berries, while the deer vigorously browse on that component known as the fresh shoots. The fresh shoots are the outcroppings of new green growth that arise as the tips of the plant “shoot” outward and upward. The deer it these shoots highly selectively in the months before they deliver, consuming them even into early winter. Too, the consumption of those fresh aids in the animal’s elimination, both via intestinal elimination and urinary.
Early herbalists gave hint to its vast medicinal powers. They discovered that, in particular, the leaves and roots are highly regenerative, in this case in respect to the smooth muscles of the body. This includes those smooth muscles that line the various canals of the human body, notably the intestinal canal and uterus. In early America, the mid-1800s and prior, it was discovered to be a decided cure for hemorrhoids, working when all else failed. Too, it was found to be exceptionally soothing to the entire lower intestinal tract. This was true of both the leaves and the berries.
The way this worked was through processing them, not merely making a plain tea but, rather, extracting the active components: the raspberry tannins. At that time it was the wild raspberry that was primarily used. After many hours of extraction and rendering these dark red-colored tannins were trapped in a base of honey. Then, this syrup was taken as a means to tone the lower intestinal tract, leading to the eradication of the hemorrhoids.
It’s the toning and tanning action of the tannic acid compounds that is responsible for this effect, including that tremendously powerful molecular complex, ellagic acid of which red raspberry is one of the world’s top sources.
Surely, modern herbalists are also high on this natural medicine. According to the editors of, quoting the work of Dr. Christopher:
An impressive array of curative powers it has.  Yet, in the arena of pregnancy and delivery it has a special status, as demonstrated by the Christopher Institute, among others:
Clearly, when citing the early European texts this astoundingly therapeutic plant has been used for centuries to support the health of the body, with emphasis on its powers in pregnancy and also intestinal health. Regarding pregnancy, it is held that the leaf (but also the root) can, when taken regularly, prevent and/or sooth bleeding gums, ease the smooth muscles of the uterus, as well as done them, during labor contractions, aid in the natural and speedy delivery of the fetus and the placenta, that is it shortens the labor process, all as a consequence of the increased muscular tone, and reduce any excessive cramping of the uterus. Furthermore, its intake will help prevent any excessive bleeding post-labor, while also acting to stimulate the production of breast milk.
While actual studies are limited those which have been done are highly supportive of the pregnancy- and delivery-related traditional uses. According to an article by Jane Palmer, Raspberry Leaf, published on in a study conducted on both animals and women, 1941, by Withel and Whitehouse raspberry leaf was found to “cause a relaxant effect on the uterus.” As a result, it was determined, it “caused the uterine contractions of labor to become better coordinated and more efficient…” This resulted in a shortening of the length of labor.
Three midwives from Westmead Hospital in Sydney studied the effects of raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy through a clinical trial comparing them to those who did not take any tea. Of the 108 women in the study it was determined that the tea successfully led to a reduction in the time of labor. There were no untoward side effects for either the mothers or their newborns. Furthermore, versus those in the control group the women in the raspberry leaf group were significantly less likely to require artificial rupture of membranes, C-sections, forceps application, or vacuum birth. membranes, a caesarean section, forceps or vacuum birth than the women in the control group. Raspberry, taken as a leaf tea, was consumed as early as 8 weeks post pregnancy with no untoward effects, rather, only positive consequences.
It’s a food-like herb. There is no toxicity regarding it of any kind.
Yet another study through this group, midwives M. Parsons and M. Simpson, substantiated the original findings. Given as leaf tablets, about two to four grams daily, from 32 weeks forward the herb was dispensed. Notes Palmer: There were no side effects identified for mother or baby. The analysis of the findings suggested that raspberry leaf tablets shortened the second stage of labor by an average of 10 minutes. Furthermore, the incidence of need for artificial rupture of membranes was also reduced.
Regarding the intestinal tract and its actions, as in pregnancy, this, too, is novel. The most potent of all types of red raspberry for this purpose is the leaf and root extract, the rendered one trapped in natural honey. This is essentially a wild raspberry syrup, which is a dense source of tannic acid compounds, including ellagic acid of which red raspberry root, leaves, and berries is the richest source. This is also a potent natural medicine for pregnancy and will create a powerful tone within the uterus. It is a strong tone which is desirable in all aspects, because this tone will not only aid in a healthy delivery but will also prevent miscarriage.
Regarding lower intestinal, rectal, anal issues, particularly hemorrhoids, this syrup can be taken, a tablespoon twice a day. For tough circumstances more can be taken, several tablespoons daily.
It can also be taken as a health tonic, a teaspoon daily or even every other day.
Another novel form of red raspberry is the raw berry drops. These, too, are an ideal daily tonic for pregnant and lactating women, also for those needed support for the lower intestinal system.
The berry drops are rich in a substance known as fragarine, the key natural hormone raspberries. It is the substance which gives these berries their wonderful aroma. Fragarine is largely thought to be responsible for raspberry’s smooth muscle-relaxing powers and also for its capacity to induce the production of breast milk. The fragarine is extensively trapped in the honey-based syrup and is also found in the berry extract as well as the dried leaves, less so in the latter, as it is lost in the drying process.
The wild berry drops are raw. That’s what makes them exceedingly potent.
What an absolutely positive, productive plant it is, so useful and also so incredible safe. It’s a wild food berry plant, after all.
Whether as tea, raw berry drops, leaf capsules, or extracted honey-based syrup, be healthy through the powers of wild red raspberry. It is loaded with nutrients and phytochemicals and is one of the great blessings of this world.
Burn J. H. & Withell E. R. (1941). A principle in raspberry leaves which relaxes uterine muscle. The Lancet, July 5, pp. 1-3.
Parsons, M. (1999). Raspberry leaf. Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond Newsletter, 1(2),  pp. 1-2.
Queensland Health. (1997). A health start in life: Nutrition for mother and child. Author: Coorparoo.
Whitehouse B. (1941). Fragrance: an inhibitor of uterine action. British Medical  Journal, Sept 13, pp. 370-371.

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