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Cass Ingram

Super-Charge Your Turmeric with Ginger and Cinnamon – Triple Spice Therapy

While turmeric is a powerhouse for superior health its powers can greatly be enhanced through adding other synergistic spices. In the lands of turmeric two other highly potent plant complexes, ginger and cinnamon, flourish. Ginger itself is in the same family as turmeric. All three have been shown to be effective in supporting the body’s healthy response to both pain and inflammation. Therefore, the combination of these three highly respected Ayurvedic spices is superior to turmeric alone.

It is easy to realize why, in particular, turmeric and ginger should always be combined. Both are from exactly the same family, Zingiberaceae, and both are rhizomes. These are stems, which are later modified into root-like components. As taking these three spices is traditional there has been too much emphasis on turmeric alone. By taking them together the therapeutic powers are greatly enhanced.

Consider the benefits of ginger. It helps fight nausea, particularly morning sickness. Yet, it is also effective against any irritation of the gut lining from the esophagus to the colon. Think of it as nature’s antinflammatory agent for the digestive tract, while turmeric specializes in fighting inflammation in the muscles and joints. Even so, ginger does this, too, helping reduce inflammation, especially for muscle pain related to exercise. It is also a top remedy for bursitis. It even reduces inflammatory reactions in heart disease and cancer, along with the typical toxic inflammation found in female disorders, like menstrual syndrome. Overall, studies show that ginger and its extracts reduce pain and inflammation equal to common anti-pain drugs. Furthermore, it helps block the toxic damage to the gut wall induced by aspirin and other pain-killers. Plus, because of its exceptional action on the digestive tract, it stimulates absorption. Therefore, it must be combined with turmeric.

Turmeric is the seeming king of all Ayurvedic spices. However, this is difficult to claim when all of ginger’s powers are realized, therefore the benefits of the combination. Even so, this invaluable yellow ‘root’ is one of the most potent natural antiinflammatory remedies known. It’s inflammation-fighting powers are a result of its bright yellow-orange-colored pigments, the curcuminoids, although it is now known that the essential oils, the turmerones, are equally powerful. There is a third upcoming category, the tumenorols, demonstrating that a complete, whole food source is superior to isolates. These turmeric compounds are immensely powerful antioxidants.

Like ginger, studies have shown that turmeric has pain-reducing powers equal to prescription and over-the-counter medications. However, turmeric’s capacity in this regard appears to be superior, while the combination is more potent than either alone. In clinical studies turmeric appears to aid in symptom control of sciatica, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-operative inflammation, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, spastic colon, and stomach ulcers. In other studies it has been found to lower the risk of age-related brain disorders, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, while also reducing the risks for coronary artery disease, a most significant capacity. In this regard it seems to be a key in the delaying of aging. Meanwhile, no doubt, both turmeric and ginger boost circulation, which is why both should be added in any recipes calling for turmeric, including Golden Milk and raw, whole food extracts as sublingual drops or capsules.

Cinnamon completes the list and appears to work best when combined with turmeric and ginger. In one study on Iranian athletes it was found to reduce inflammation and soreness but only when it was combined with ginger. Only three grams was sufficient for this effect. In another study on 36 humans it was found that a mere two grams of cinnamon powder significantly reduced joint pain and swelling in rheumatoid arthritis victims. One telling ‘side-effect’ was that the spice therapy reduced blood pressure to healthier levels.

It becomes clear that “Triple Spice Therapy” is superior to turmeric alone. Look for supplements and Golden Milk infusions with all three spices. Make your own Triple Spice recipes, either as beverages or food-based. Work turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon into your diet in every way possible. Through this, enjoy the superior health that these incredibly potent natural medicines offer.

Turmeric Triple Spice Tea

(Modified by a recipe from

8 or more thin slices ginger
3 cups water
1 or 2 tsp. ground turmeric
2 cinnamon sticks
2 T. freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 or 2 tsp. raw honey or to taste

Directions: In a pot bring water, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon sticks to a boil; simmer for a few minutes, allow to cool to cool enough to drink, and add raw honey and lemon.

Traditional Triple Spice Golden Latte

1 cup coconut milk or almond milk
1 tsp Golden Latte Mix or organic turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon powders (the Golden Latte Mix preferred is known as Triple Spice Golden Latte, formerly TurmaMilk)
1 tsp. organic coconut oil or organic butter (optional)
organic honey or organic raw yacon syrup to taste

Directions: On medium heat bring milk and mixture of golden milk mix or organic turmeric powder to just before boiling. Simmer on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally with a whisk. When done, add coconut oil or butter, and sweeten with organic raw yacon syrup or organic raw honey as desired.

5 Second Anti-Inflammation Turmeric Extract Tea

1 cup water
20 drops of triple spice wild, raw turmeric, ginger resin, and cinnamon bark extract
2 tsp. raw honey or organic raw yacon syrup
dash or two cayenne
wedge lemon, squeezed

Directions: On medium heat bring water to just before boiling. Mix in 20 drops drops of triple spice emulsified raw and whole food turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon extract, 2 tbsp of organic raw yacon syrup and a dash of cayenne, stir with a whisk. When done, squeeze wedge of lemon and enjoy.

For more information on high-quality multiple spice Ayurvedic extracts click here:

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